Doctoral Centers

Doctoral Centers
at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences

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Doing a Doctorate at the Doctoral Centers in Saxony-Anhalt


Since May 2021, you can also do a doctorate at the universities of applied sciences in Saxony-Anhalt without the involvement of another university. You can apply for permission to do a doctorate to one out of a total of five Doctoral Centers.



Doctoral Centers at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences

Further Doctoral Centers in Saxony-Anhalt

Own Right to Confer Doctorates at the Universities of Applied Sciences in Saxony-Anhalt

Since May 2021, universities of applied sciences in Saxony-Anhalt have been able to independently award doctoral degrees to their early career researchers. They have set up various Doctoral Centers for this purpose. As one of the first federal states, Saxony-Anhalt is leading the way with its own right to confer doctorates as a university of applied sciences, thus strengthening research and science at the universities in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. Merseburg University of Applied Sciences is involved in two inter-university Doctoral Centers:

There are three other Doctoral Centers in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in which Merseburg University of Applied Sciences is not involved:

In addition to doing an independent doctorate in a Doctoral Center, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences also offers the possibility of doing a cooperative doctorate in collaboration with another university.



Sandra Dietzel
Projektkoordination und Referentin für wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsförderung
Raum: Rz/A/0/32
Telefon: +493461 46-2361

This project is supported by the Center of Advanced Scientific Education.

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