Welcome at HoMe
A German version of this website can be found here: Internationale Studieninteressierte
You have got a foreign school-leaving qualification or university degree and would like to study at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences?
On this website you will find information on admission requirements and the application. The information is aimed at prospective students who are interested in completing a degree programme (bachelor's or master's degree) at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences.
Exchange students (e.g. Erasmus+) can find all important information on the website of the International Office.
Admission requirements
Bachelor Programmes
Admission to Merseburg University of Applied Sciences requires a university entrance qualification (in German: HZB). If your school-leaving certificate entitles you to study in your home country, you can usually also study in Germany. Depending on your home country, you may also need to prove a successfullly passed university entrance exam and/or started university studies in your home country.
Some school-leaving qualifications or university degrees qualify you directly for studying in Germany (in German: direct HZB); for others, you may first need to complete a "Studienkolleg" (preparatory course) and pass a the "Feststellungsprüfung" (assessment exam), prior to taking up studies at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences (in German: indirect HZB).
Depending on your educational qualifications, you can either study all subject areas in Germany (in German: general HZB)or only certain subject areas (in German: subject-restricted HZB).
With the help of this database, you can check whether your foreign previous education entitles you to study in Germany directly or whether you will need to attend Studienkolleg beforehand:
Zulassungsvoraussetzungen Studienkolleg
Studienkolleg (preparatory course)
Studienkolleg is an institution that prepares you academically and linguistically for university studies in Germany.
It usually takes one year to complete Studienkolleg. Depending on the subject area in which you would like to take up university studies, you can choose the appropriate focus course at Studienkolleg:
T or TI course: for technical and scientific subjects
W or WW course: for subjects within social and economic sciences
M course: for biological and medical subjects
S/G course: for linguistic and artistic subjects or subejcts within the humanities
Once you have passed the Feststellungsprüfung of a focus course, including the German language exam, at Studienkolleg, you can take up university studies in the subject area of your focus course.
Example: You would like to study ‘Betriebswirtschaft’ (B.A.) at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. To do this, you attend the W course at Studienkolleg. With the passed Feststellungsprüfung of the W course, you can study all subjects assigned to the W course at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences: Betriebswirtschaft (B.A.), Wirtschaftsinformatik (B.Sc.) or Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Schwerpunkt Management) (B.Sc.).
State-approved Studienkolleg Halle-Merseburg at Hochschule Merseburg (SKHM)
Ming CHENG Institut GmbH
An der Magistrale 120,
06124 Halle
Tel. +49 (0)345 5636 8710
Office hours: 10.00 a.m. -16.00 p.m.
Mail: info@uni-mc.de
The Studienkolleg Halle-Merseburg (SKHM) of the Ming CHENG Institut GmbH has officially recognized by the German Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt as a University Preparatory College. Graduates of this Studienkollegacquire a subejct-restricted university entrance qualification for all German universities (Universitäten & Fachhochschulen).
For further information, please visit: https://www.studienkolleg-halle.de/en/
Landesstudienkolleg Sachsen-Anhalt Abteilung Halle
Paracelsusstr. 22
D - 06114 Halle
Tel.: +49-345-55 24486
Landesstudienkolleg Sachsen-Anhalt Standort Köthen
Standort Köthen (Geschäftsstelle)
Lohmannstraße 23
Gebäude 23 (Ratke-Gebäude)
2. Obergeschoss, Raum 326
D-06366 Köthen
Telefon: +49 (0) 3496 67 5900
Fax: +49 (0) 3496 67 95999
Zulassungsvoraussetzungen Masterstudiengänge
Master Programmes
Admission to a master programme requires a first academic degree (Bachelor's degree) that qualifies you for a profession and represents a minimum of 180 credit points according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).
Depending on your home country, this can be equivalent to 3-5 years of study.
Some master programmes at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences require a first higher education degree with at least 210 ECTS credits. However, it is possible to make up for missing ECTS points in an adaptation semester.
In the anabin information portal, you can find out how your foreign educational qualifications are assessed in Germany. There you will find information on educational qualifications from more than 180 countries. Merseburg University of Applied Sciences has foreign educational qualifications checked by uni-assist (www.uni-assist.de/en/).
Engineering and Management
International Bachelor's degree programme "Engineering and Management" (B.Eng.)
This Bachelor's degree programme is offered by two universities - Merseburg University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg. The programme is taught in English and is open for international students as well as for German students.
Admission to this programme requires proof of proficiency in English (Level B2). Proof of language ability in German is not necessary. German language classes are an integrated part of the international students' curriculum.
How to apply:
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences does not accept applications from applicants with foreign educational qualifications directly, but has them checked by uni-assist first. Please submit your application to: https://my.uni-assist.de/.
The application deadline for winter semester for application via uni-assist is: 31 August.
If you are already in possession of an evaluation report / Prüfbericht from uni-assist, you can submit your application directly to Hochschule Merseburg and do not need to reapply via uni-assist.
For information on application and enrolment please contact:
Ms Carmen Sowitzki (application@hs-merseburg.de)
Language requirements
Except for the Bachelor’s degree programme in “Engineering and Management” (B.Eng.) and the Master’s degree programme in “Polymer Materials Science” (M.Sc.), the language of instruction of our study programmes is German. You will need a proof of sufficient knowledge of German language for admission to the degree programmes taught in German at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences.
The following language certificates are accepted for all degree programmes:
- Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang DSH 2, or
- TestDaF with a score of at least 4 x TDN 4 or a total score of at least 16 points, or
- Telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule, or
- Feststellungsprüfung at Studienkolleg "Prüfungsteil Deutsch", or
- Goethe Zertifikat C2, or
- Deutsches Sprachdiplom DSD II.
For some degree programmes you can also be admitted with TestDaF with a result of at least 1 x TDN 4, 3 x TDN 3 or DSH-1. Admission is granted on the condition of successful participation in a compulsory language course (4 hours per week) at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences each in the 1st and 2nd semester.
This applies to the following degree programmes:
Studiengänge mit niedrigeren Anforderungen an Deutschkenntnisse
Niedrigere Deutschanforderungen Bachelorstudiengänge
Admission with:
TestDaF with a score of at least 1 x TDN 4 and 3 x TDN 3 or DSH 1
successful participation in a compulsory language course (4 hours per week) at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences each in the 1st and 2nd semester.
for the following bachelor programs:
- Angewandte Chemie (B.Sc.)
- Angewandte Informatik (B.Sc.)
- Chemie und Umwelttechnik (B. Eng.)
- Elektrotechnik und Automatisierungstechnik (B.Eng.)
- Green Engineering (B.Eng.)
- Ingenieurpädagogik (B. Eng.)
- Maschinenbau (B. Eng.)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Dual) (B. Eng.)
Niedrigere Deutschanforderungen Masterstudiengänge
Admission with:
TestDaF with a score of at least 1 x TDN 4 and 3 x TDN 3 or DSH 1
successful participation in a compulsory language course (4 hours per week) at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences each in the 1st and 2nd semester.
for the following master programs:
- Automatisierungstechnik und Informatik (M.Eng.)
- Chemie- und Umweltingenieurwesen (M.Eng.)
- Maschinenbau (M.Eng.)
Conditional admission
If you do not yet have the required level of proficiency in German for direct admission, you can apply for conditional admission in order to attend a language school first and take up your study once you fulfil the language requirements. Conditional admission is possible with a successfully passed B1 exam.
Please note that a conditional admission is no guarantee for a study place at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. It should only help you to obtain a visa for a preparatory language course in Germany. After completing your language course, you must reapply to Merseburg University of Applied Sciences in order to get full admission.
Where can I find German language courses? Where can I take my German exams?
Deutschkenntnisse Sprachschulen und Testzentren
In the information boxes on the right, you will find some institutions near Merseburg that offer German courses for study preparation and German language tests.
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences does not offer German courses to prepare students for their studies.
Sprachschulen und Testzentren
There are several language schools near Merseburg where you can take German courses and language tests to prepare for your studies. For example:
- Intensive courses and tests (TestDaF or Telc C1) at the Institut für deutsche Sprache und Kultur of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg: https://www.sprache.uni-halle.de/intensivkurse/?lang=en
- DSH courses and DSH tests at Landesstudienkolleg Halle: https://www.studienkolleg.uni-halle.de/dsh/
- InterDaF e.V. at the Herder-Institut in Leipzig: http://www.interdaf.uni-leipzig.de
Note: If you attend Studienkolleg, you will also have intensive German lessons in addition to the subject courses. Those who have successfully completed the Feststellungsprüfung at Studienkolleg do not need any further proof of German language proficiency.
For admission to Studienkolleg you will need German language skills at level B1 or higher.
- DSH: You can take the test at universities (of applied sciences) and Studienkollegs that have registered a DSH test regulation with Hochschulrektorenkonferenz. You can download a list of registered universities here.
- Telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule. Dates and locatoins where you can take the Telc C1 Hochschule test, can be found here.
- TestDaF:
Application - Where do I apply?
a) Application via uni-assist
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences does not accept applications from applicants with foreign educational qualifications directly, but has them checked by uni-assist.
If you did not acquire your higher education entrance qualification in Germany or at a German school abroad, please apply via uni-assist. This also applies to applicants for a master programme who have obtained their bachelor's degree (or other higher education degree qualifying for a profession) at a university abroad.
To apply, please register to the uni-assist portal my-assist, create your application form and upload all required documents (certificates etc.). Uni-assist evaluates your application. If it fulfils the prerequisites for admission, uni-assist will forward your documents digitally to Hochschule Merseburg for final consideration.
Hochschule Merseburg accepts online-only applications for uni-assist’s pre-check. Simply submit your documents as uploads. Please note that you may be asked to provide officially certified copies of your original certificates and officially certified copies of the German translation to Hochschule Merseburg later in the application procedure.
Processing fees:
Uni-assist charges a fee for the processing and evaluation of your application doucments of currently EUR 75 for the first desired degree programme and EUR 30 for each further degree programme.
b) Direct Application at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
If your foreign educational qualifications have already been evaluated in Germany, e.g. by the Landesschulamt Sachsen-Anhalt (for school-leaving qualifications) or the Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen (for university degrees), you can also send your application documents directly to Merseburg University of Applied Sciences.
If you have already successfully completed the Feststellungsprüfung at Studienkolleg, you can also apply directly to Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. You can apply online (on the frontpage of the online-application you will be asked "Haben Sie eine deutsche Hochschulzugangsberechtigung?". Please choose "Ja- ich habe eine deutsche Hochschulzugangsberechtigung"). Online-Application.
Application - Which documents are required?
Please enclose the following documents with your application:
- Your CV with passport photo
- Officially certified copy of your educational certificates presenting your university entrance qualification
- In case you have already studied: Certificates, grade overviews or transcripts of your previous studies at a university (of applied sciences) in your country of origin or in Germany.
- In case you are applying for a master programme: Officially certified copy of the first university degree (bachelor's degree) with a minimum of 180 or 210 ECTS credits.
- Officially certified copy of the proof proficiency in German:
- For degree programmes: TestDaF/DSH/Telc C1 Hochschule or equivalent
- For Studienkolleg: German language certificate for at least level B1.
Hochschule Merseburg accepts online-only applications. Simply submit your documents as uploads. Please note that you may be asked to provide officially certified copies of your original certificates and officially certified copies of the German translation to Hochschule Merseburg later in the application procedure.
APS: Applicants with academic achievements from China, Mongolia or Vietnam additionally require a certificate from the Akademische Prüfstelle (APS). More information about the APS can be found here: China, Vietnam, India.
Please note: The APS certificate must always be submitted in the original, copies of any kind - even if they are certified - will not be recognized.
Application deadlines at uni-assist
You can apply at any time. However, please note the deadlines for registering for the entrance test at Studienkolleg.
Bachelor Programmes:
15 June for degree programmes with restricted admission for the winter semester
31 August for admission-free degree programs for the winter semester
Master Programmes:
15 May for degree programmes with restricted admission for the winter semester
15 November for degree programmes with restricted admission for the summer semester
31 August for admission-free degree programmes for the winter semester
31 January for admission-free degree programmes for the summer semester
Uni-assist needs about 4-6 weeks to check your documents. Please apply in time!
Who can help me with questions?
Registrar's office
You can contact the registrar's office for questions on application and enrolment.
Office hours:
Tue: 09:00-12:00 a.m. and 1:00-6:00 p.m.
Thu: 09:00-12:00 a.m. and 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Fri: 09:00-12:00 a.m.
General student counselling
The Student Counselling is available to answer any questions you may have about your studies and to help you with any problems you may have during your studies.
Office hours (phone):
Mon: 10:00-12:00 a.m. | Wed: 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Thu: 2:00-6:00 p.m. | Fri: 10:00-12:00 a.m.
Open office hours/ walk-in hours in office Hg/G/1/17
Wed: 2:00-4:00 p.m. | Thu: 2:00-6:00 p.m.
Individual appointments by arrangement and online counselling:
Monday - Friday outside of open office hours.

Elisa Karau-Unkroth
Contact International Office / Language Centre
The members of the International Office will be available with support and useful information.
Furthermore, they are the contact persons for language courses during your studies at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences.
For further information, please visit the website of the International Office.
Buddy-Service and Mentoring for Internationale Students
Do you need support with your first steps in Merseburg? Do you want to socialise with other students at joint events? Would you like to get to know the region better by going on excursions together? The Buddy Service of the International Office will be happy to help you settle in quickly in Merseburg and enjoy your time at university.
The mentors at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences help students to organise their studies well. For example, they can help you organise your timetable or use the student portals.
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Mentoring Programme
Discover our Mentoring Programme
Counselling and Supporting Refugees
Refugees Welcome@HoMe
We would like to give you a warm welcome at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. As a refugee, you are eligible to study at a German university, especially when your refugee status is recognized. In terms of applying and gaining admission to a degree programme, you will be treated just like any other international student applicant.
Support and counselling for refugees interested in studying at Hochschule Merseburg and enrolled students with refugee background:
Halls of residence, cost of living, leisure activities
How much money do I need to study?
This video provides an overview of the cost of living for students at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences. We took a look at the statistics and also asked students at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences about their average monthly expenditure on housing, food, clothing, leisure, health insurance, mobility, etc.
**This video will soon be available in English.**
Short distance between bed and lecture hall: the halls of residence on the HoMe campus
We took a look at some of the halls of residence on the Merseburg University campus. The Studentenwerk Halle provides affordable accommodation for around 450 students in 4 halls of residence during their studies. The halls of residence are very differently designed, from single apartments to 6-person shared flats.
Ways to spend your leisure time on campus
The Merseburg University of Applied Sciences campus is not just a place to study, it also offers a wide range of leisure activities: be it sport in one of the courses at the sports centre or on the open playing fields, a visit to the café bar or the student-run Café 144, relaxation in the reading garden, some culture in the campus theatre and campus cinema or a party in the "Wärmi" student club.
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